Thursday, January 21, 2010

WE PASSED!!!!!! HE'S OUR SON!!!!!!!!


amy smith said...

he is absolutely perfect.
crying tears of joy.
congratulations :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! As I watched your slide show I had tears streaming down my face in happiness for you. I can't wait until we can have something similar on our blog! I am very excited for all of you.

kelbel said...

Crying and rejoicing with you!!!! He is so cute!


Jen said...

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!! He's beautiful!!!

Sara H. said...

Congratulations!! What an answer to prayer!!

SaraH said...

That is so awesome!! Congratulations on your new son!!!

Doris said...

As I watched your video I had many emotions. What a beautiful little boy and so happy for him and HIS family.
Don't forget the stipulation I made back months ago.....I get to love him to!!!

Girl Invisible said...

What a blessing - it is truly touching and overwhelming to think of what God has done for you and Isaiah ... and will continue to do! Thanks fo much for sharing His work in your lives.

Doris said...

I just watched your video and felt so many emotions. I can only imagine how excited you guys are. He is a beautiful little guy and I am so happy for him and HIS family. Don't forget the stipulation that was made months ago....I get to love him too!!!!

Esther said...

He is so beautiful!
I am in tears at God's amazing goodness to you and to your little Isaiah! God IS an awesome God!

Alyssa said...

Praise God! What a sweet boy God has blessed you with. He is one lucky kid to have you both as his parents. Thrilled, and rejoicing with you! Thanks for sharing that video!

ruth said...

Tears of joy for you! Praise God for this amazing gift!

Hollands said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations. Our God IS and awesome God! Praising Him with you.

Unknown said...

Tears of Joy, my dear friend!! So excited to hear this news! I can't wait to talk to you. He is beautiful!

Jenn R said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I'm crying tears of joy for you! Can't wait to meet him.
Love from the Radfords

connie said...

He is adorable! I'm still wiping away the tears! Can you believe he will be at your house before you know it?? God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Congrats to you ALL.

Ben Layer said...

I'm so happy for you. God is so gracious. He's adorable - we're praying for you all! Love you!

Carol Bidewell said...

That is so neat. God is so good to give you this little guy to love and raise for His glory. He will also be a blessing to your family.

Unknown said...

He is a pretty little boy. Congratulations, God bless you and thanks for sharing with us.