Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, today was a long and emotional day.  We started our day with a walk down the street to purchase a DVD and CD with some Ethiopian music.  Then our group traveled to visit one of the orphanages that our agency works with called Kids' Care.  It was a neat experience being able to spend some time visiting with the children there and sharing some treats and toys.   One of the nannies there then served us in a traditional coffee ceremony . . . I think there may be an official name for it, but I don't remember what it is! 

Then we went to lunch at a restaurant/art gallery.  After lunch we headed back to the guest house and re-divided the group to visit the two remaining orphanages, one of which was Kingdom Vision International, where Isaiah Tamrat spent some time before the transition home.   This was also the place that was arranged for us to meet his birth mother.  Joe stayed back at the guest house with Isaiah Tamrat, and I went on with the group to visit with Isaiah's birth mother.  It was an extremely hard and emotional meeting, but one that I am glad that I was able to do for Isaiah Tamrat's sake.  After that, we made one last stop to the transition home so I could deliver some care packages and donations that had been in our late luggage.

Just before dinner we decided to take a walk . . . and Isaiah Tamrat decided he didn't want to put his shoes on . . . and thus began the hour long (at least), kicking, screaming, crying tantrum.  We just sat with him and then he eventually fell asleep.  We have no idea what's going on in his head, or how hurt and confused his little heart may be right now.  We are praying for the wisdom and grace to be what he needs for us to be.

Tomorrow we head to a coffee factory, then packing and some pictures and prayer time with our group.  Then our long trek home.   We are so thankful to have come and love Ethiopia, but are very anxious to have our family all together.  We appreciate your prayers as we begin our journey home!


Kevin and Christy said...

Are you online?

Kevin and Christy said...

Continuing to pray for strength and wisdom. God's grace is amazing! I'm praying it will sustain you for what you've experienced today and what you have to face in the days ahead. Much love and prayers!

oneblessedmama said...

Sarah and Joe- he is beautiful! Show amazed at Gods work in his and your lives! praying for a transition once home that is peaceful for all involved!

Matt & Nicki said...

I have love reading about your journey along the way. I miss you dear friend and am glad to be able to stay connected to your life in this way:)

Ben Layer said...

He's gorgeous. We're so happy for you guys. And we're praying big time for all the adjustments everyone will go through, especially your new little man. God bless your family! - Sarah

the johnson crew said...

it has been a long time since i have checked up on your blog. wow, a LOT has happened. Wow, i will be praying for you guys and all the details, and I will especially be praying for sweet little Isaiah that God will help him to attach to you and fall in love and fees secure and settled quickly.

God bless you, Janelle